Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Running Log: March 22 - 28

Miles for the Week: 26 (27)

03/22/10 Ran three miles in the neighborhood. I tried real hard to hold back and use it as a recovery run. A) I still needed to actaully recover from last week's workouts B) There is no good reason to waste 3 miles the day before you plan to run 18 miles. This is a hindsight thing.

03/23/10 Ran 13 miles at the Greenway. My legs weren't right. I was running lactic by mile 6 and developed a twingy pain in my right (the injured one) calf and hamstring plus I staretd worrying about time. I needed to get to work. I should have planned better. I shouldn't have worked my legs like that last week. I shouldn't have run with the crew on Saturday. This run, today's run, should never have happened. I felt like I needed to catch up and I got prideful. Its either going to cost me a long run down the road or I'm going to need to find a differant marathon. Let's extrapolate: A) Only one leg day a month and only on Sundays B) If you have a long run scheduled, don't except another offer to run and then reschedule the long run. Trying to catch up will get you injured. C) Injury sucks.

03/25/10 4 miles with the crew on the Fern Trail. We ran and it was drizzling and then raining and by the time we got to the basin, there was lightening so it became a tempo run back. Steve picked up pace midway and I missed it at first and had to play catch up on the way back. It was a good tough run.

03/27/10 Ran 6+ miles at Forest Meadow on the Lake Overstreet loop. I wore my old GT-2150's which caused some ankle discomfort. And there were some weak spots hbut I did pick ups throughout and finished on a sprint. It was good.

03/28/10 Worked out at Julia's: Javorek barbell complex #1 (Upright Row, High Pull Snatch, Behind the Head Squat Push Press, Behind the Head Good Morning, Bent Over Row x 6) followed by35lb snatches (9 x 3) and the 50lb dumbbell deadlifts trapbar style (3x5+)