Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Running Log: January 4 - January 10

Total Miles fot he Week: 6

01/05 Went to Lafayette Park for a bodyweight workout that went a little something like this: 20 mountain climbers, 30 sit-ups, 20 push-ups, 20 sit-ups, 20 SB rows x 5 sets. I think I was dehydrated though. I got serious cotton mouth, wicked queasy and almost passed out. I had that I think I might die feeling

I stumbled to a bench and had to lay down which I know was pretty dangerous. I was, for my part, not of a right mind. I was laying on the bench looking up at the trees actaully thinking, Is this my time? Am I gonna die here? I started trying to suck in as much detail as I could: the feel of the cold, the trees pulsing, the bright pale blue sky.

Then I remembered James telling me to breath as deeply as I could to keep from hurling. And that seemed to calm the nausea enough so I could sit up again. I think having water nearby or Gatorade would have helped that mess. I was going to end with the farmer's carry but due to the "almost vomiting/couldn't stand up thing", I backed off.

This workout is a definite keeper. The MC is a deceptively hard excercise if performed in the right combination. I had it right before sit-ups and push-ups, pre-exhausting both muscle sets (abs and arms/back) as well as stretching the hip flexors and building explosive cardio.

01/07 Swam at Wade Wehut, about 1200 meters. Did some sprints and then some board work and used the pool bouy to work on stroke. I could feel the kicking improve, worked on using the hips. I think I could feel the differance in power. Stroke work was a cluster fuck. I need to ask Steph how to do that and what the 1 thing she can teach me to improve my stroke. Her words. Swim loose, just like running. That helped too.

01/09 Ran 2 miles at Lafayette ark and the did 20 push ups and 30 sit ups x 6. It was weird. People were walking passed me. Three girls stood there giggle as I struggled to finish the last set. Today, I have some shin pain in the non-injured leg and the calf hurts but no much and I think most of it is the cold. I'm going to avoid road running for a while and take it easy on the speed. This last year has been injury hell: first ITB then the arch thing then the ankles and now the calf and maybe the shin. I am doing something wrong. I need to sort this out.

01/10 Ran 4 miles at the park and then did 20 dips and 30 sit ups x 6. Not too brutal. I need to start increasing my set length and looking at intensity. Not sure how to go but I have a few days to think about it. The run was easy paced. I did high steps, butt kicks and side steps first and then finished with a mile walk, backward running and a good stretch. It was a little achy in the cold with a few dull flare ups later but not the crippling death grip of old. (see calf injury, I need to do a section on my injuries) Sporadic stretching all night. Saw Men Who Stare at Goats. Damn fine movie.

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