Friday, January 8, 2010

Motivational Quote #12

Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it. - Mahatma Gandhi

I'm going to run 2 miles today and then 4 miles on Sunday and then 6 miles on Tuesday. I will gradually build my mileage back up. I will take small incremental steps to get to a very large goal.

I think when I have the impulse to create a goal, the next step should be to see how it breaks down and maybe complete this iteration a few times.

I think this is what is meant by plot a course.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Motivational Quote #10

On a good day, it all blends. I feel a part of a private universe where everything comes together and feels great. - Matthew Shafner, lawyer

I get the Runner's World kick in the butt quote every day.

Most of them are inane things some runner of little consequence has said and it doesn't matter that they're runners of little consequence. It’s just that what they have to say is usually of little consequence. And today’s quote is almost the same as all the rest except for that bit about a private universe which I mistook for public universe, while I was reading it.

I mean to say, I thought he meant running was a way to escape solipsistic mind, the trapped in your own thoughts mind because, for me, running is about escaping from my own narcissism and being part of the world.

I forget my mind. I become nature. I become the city, the trail, the lake. My legs become deer legs, pigeon legs, dog legs, all legs. I’d like to think it’s the thing Buddhists call being or what my friend Al called pre-reflective cogito, the mind experiencing without reflection.
I do not care for the kind of running where runners think about things. All day long, I sort the flotsam and jetsam. Running is for me about escape from that. I really have no idea what this runner meant but I believe I understood what I read.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Running Log: January 4 - January 10

Total Miles fot he Week: 6

01/05 Went to Lafayette Park for a bodyweight workout that went a little something like this: 20 mountain climbers, 30 sit-ups, 20 push-ups, 20 sit-ups, 20 SB rows x 5 sets. I think I was dehydrated though. I got serious cotton mouth, wicked queasy and almost passed out. I had that I think I might die feeling

I stumbled to a bench and had to lay down which I know was pretty dangerous. I was, for my part, not of a right mind. I was laying on the bench looking up at the trees actaully thinking, Is this my time? Am I gonna die here? I started trying to suck in as much detail as I could: the feel of the cold, the trees pulsing, the bright pale blue sky.

Then I remembered James telling me to breath as deeply as I could to keep from hurling. And that seemed to calm the nausea enough so I could sit up again. I think having water nearby or Gatorade would have helped that mess. I was going to end with the farmer's carry but due to the "almost vomiting/couldn't stand up thing", I backed off.

This workout is a definite keeper. The MC is a deceptively hard excercise if performed in the right combination. I had it right before sit-ups and push-ups, pre-exhausting both muscle sets (abs and arms/back) as well as stretching the hip flexors and building explosive cardio.

01/07 Swam at Wade Wehut, about 1200 meters. Did some sprints and then some board work and used the pool bouy to work on stroke. I could feel the kicking improve, worked on using the hips. I think I could feel the differance in power. Stroke work was a cluster fuck. I need to ask Steph how to do that and what the 1 thing she can teach me to improve my stroke. Her words. Swim loose, just like running. That helped too.

01/09 Ran 2 miles at Lafayette ark and the did 20 push ups and 30 sit ups x 6. It was weird. People were walking passed me. Three girls stood there giggle as I struggled to finish the last set. Today, I have some shin pain in the non-injured leg and the calf hurts but no much and I think most of it is the cold. I'm going to avoid road running for a while and take it easy on the speed. This last year has been injury hell: first ITB then the arch thing then the ankles and now the calf and maybe the shin. I am doing something wrong. I need to sort this out.

01/10 Ran 4 miles at the park and then did 20 dips and 30 sit ups x 6. Not too brutal. I need to start increasing my set length and looking at intensity. Not sure how to go but I have a few days to think about it. The run was easy paced. I did high steps, butt kicks and side steps first and then finished with a mile walk, backward running and a good stretch. It was a little achy in the cold with a few dull flare ups later but not the crippling death grip of old. (see calf injury, I need to do a section on my injuries) Sporadic stretching all night. Saw Men Who Stare at Goats. Damn fine movie.